Andrés Rojas

Strategic Planning and Creativity Director

Social science professional, with an emphasis on research and analysis of people’s behavior from a holistic approach, understanding their main behavior drivers, their culture, the market, and trends.
He is an expert in 360 strategic communication, working with brands from different types of markets. He has 15 years of experience working as a strategic and creative planner in the thinking, design, development and execution of relevant and effective campaigns for people and brands. He has worked for consumer brands, technology and communications, niche brands and the social sector and NGOs. He has been director of Strategic Planning in companies such as Ariadna Communications Group, Publicis, Indexcol and J. Walter Thompson Worldwide. Likewise, he has been a university professor in Strategic Planning and Sociology of Consumption for 11 years.
He is currently part of the SEC Newgate team as Director of Strategic Planning and Creativity for the Factory area.
He is absolutely convinced of the importance of strategic and creative thinking as a transforming and innovative axis of the way people think, feel and act.