Mark van den Anker


I love working on complex issues in the field of public affairs and stakeholder management by helping to make it concrete and to just do it. I gladly assist clients in supporting and developing public affairs strategies, which we then jointly implement. By making the representation of interests and lobby concrete and tangible, I show how they can contribute to the objectives of the organization. I am passionate and work closely with my clients throughout the process. My working method is characterized by a ‘hands-on’ and a thorough approach combined with humor and perspective.
I am enthusiastic about asking questions regarding intelligence, data driven public affairs and developing IT tools that can be of added value in our field. Together with my colleague Maaike van Hooidonk I developed our successful Stakeholder Intelligence Monitor (SIM) and I bear the responsibility for the further development and growth of the SIM.
The future of our field will, in my view, be based more on the use of data and IT applications.