Erica Borgelt

Partner & Head of Financial Communications Practice

Erica is a financial and corporate communications practitioner with more than 20 years of experience and an extensive understanding of the financial services sector.
She has worked across both institutional and retail financial environments with core skills in corporate communications, investor relations, financial transactions, media and issues management.
Erica provided strategic advice and support to Square on its acquisition of Afterpay; Resolution Life on its acquisition of both AMP Life and AIA Australia’s Superannuation and Investment business; Crestone’s acquisition by LGT Group; the regional banking merger of Heritage Bank and People’s Choice Credit Union and China Mengniu Dairy on its acquisition of Bellamy’s Organic. She also advised ACCIONA on its acquisition of Lendlease’s Engineering division.
Erica’s extensive media and issues management experience includes working with the ICA on the business interruption matter, CBA on the AUSTRAC matter, and Allianz Australia through the Royal Commission into Banking and Financial Services.
Prior to joining SEC Newgate in 2016, Erica worked at Commonwealth Bank where she had corporate affairs responsibility for the institutional banking and markets business. She also spent five years at UBS where her mandate spanned media relations, issues management and internal communications. Before that Erica worked at Babcock & Brown as investor relations and communications manager where she had responsibility for shareholder, investment community and media communications.
Erica started her communications career working for a global financial and corporate communications consultancy in both London and Australia.