Founder of CLAI, Eric is a professional in corporate communications, public affairs and sensitive and crisis communications. He advised or still advises Air Liquide, Rio Tinto, Nestlé France, AstraZeneca, Schindler, Lafarge, Lilly France, Urbis Park, e.on, Altéo, the Ansa, the Hersant Media Group, the Reyl bank, Transdev, International Papers, Bridgestone, the CESE.
President for more than 8 years of Publicis Consultants, he was in charge of many large-scale campaigns, such as the pension reform, the health insurance reform, the state reform, the establishment of the LOLF, the GDF-SUEZ merger, Alcan’s takeover bid for Pechiney and Sanofi’s for Aventis.
Honorary ‘Maître des Requêtes’ at the ‘Conseil d’Etat’, former technical adviser to the Cabinet and then director of central administration at the Ministry of the Interior from 1981 to 1986, Eric has a thorough knowledge of the decision-making processes for public actions.
A former ENA student (Pierre Mendès-France promotion-1978), Eric also has a DESS in political science, a master’s degree in private law and a diploma from Sciences Po (Public Service section, promotion 1974).
He is a published author, his books include: “Corporate communications: le manuel des strategies” (2009), PUF; “Affaires de com’” (2011), Odile Jacob; “Il y a 30 ans, l’Acte I de la décentralisation” (2012), Berger Levrault; “Pour en finir (vraiment) avec le millefeuille territorial” (2015), l’Archipel; “De l’art de faire dire du bien de soi par les autres” (2019), Ed Bourin François.
Eric has been decorated as Officer of the National Order of the Legion of Honour and Officer of the National Order of Merit.