Emma Kane

Chief Executive of SEC Newgate UK; Deputy CEO of the Group, SEC Newgate S.p.a.; Head of Western EMEA

Emma specialises in creating positive change through communications. She has 30 years’ experience in the communications industry. Today she is Chief Executive of SEC Newgate UK, part of the international communications group, SEC Newgate S.p.A. on whose board she also sits. Her clients include business leaders, household brands and international organisations. She is a regular feature in the ‘PR Week UK Power Book’.
She is Deputy Chair of the Elton John Aids Foundation and a Non-Executive Director of the Green Finance Institute. She is the former Chair of the UK’s largest ovarian cancer charity, Target Ovarian Cancer, and of The Barbican Centre Trust and served on both boards for nine years. She was awarded the Freedom of the City of London in 2017.